Punky Moms is an online haven not just for moms with piercings and tattoos, but for moms who crave an exchange of ideas with like-minded alternative parents. That alternative parenting ranges from anything to mohawks and crossbone booties, to those parents who cloth diaper and live an organic lifestyle. Punky Moms is less about falling into the "punk" category and more about falling into an open mind when it comes to parenting.
The Punky Moms website's message boards is where most of the action happens with regular posters exhanging ideas, advice and more importantly (mostly) non-judgmental ears. The main site has it's share of updated articles and features on everything from day-to-day parenting adventures, crafts and contests. Punky Moms is truly about "kicking motherhood in the ass" and having the best possible time doing it!
Sounds cool. When and if I become a mom, I certainly hope to fall into the hip, open-minded category!