Friday, March 20, 2015

A Little Moxie, A Little Mischief: Meet Everly

Meet Everly. Everly is 19 months old and the baby of the bunch. She is spoiled with kisses daily by her big brother and sister. Everly has the best little toothy grin I have ever laid eyes on. Everly is as sweet as pie, but far from a pushover. In fact, she can be quite the little powerhouse. She's not afraid to rumble and tumble with kids 3 times her size, and she can already hold her own with the best of them!

Personality: Boisterous, silly, mischievous, affectionate, cheerful, curious

Interests: Exploring every inch of every surface of every place she sets foot in

Activities: running

Favorite Animated Characters: N/A

Collections: anything related to bunnies

Loves: playing with her big brother and sister, hugs, peek-a-boo, food

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