Monday, June 29, 2015

A Little Moxie, A Little Mischief: The Not-So-Pretty Pictures

I am just going to say it - this will never be the blog with pretty pictures. You know the blogs I am talking about. The blogs with the pictures you covet and aspire to. The kind of pictures every blogger feels the need to emulate so every blog ends up looking the same. Unfortunately, that will never be this blog. It won't be for lack of desire, because who doesn't want pretty pictures? It will strictly be due to a lack of opportunity for these reasons:

My kids are not cooperative. Sure, we all know that perfectly sweet blog picture of the child leaning artfully against a wall was achieved after 50 shots and a lot of bribing, but here's the thing, I don't have the time, energy or patience for that.  Not to mention, my kids are never cooperative for photos. Like never, EVER! Getting a moderately decent picture of one of them alone is a tough enough task, I would have to sell my soul to the devil to get all three to cooperate. They are not swayed by bribes, tears or pleading. I have tried, believe me, I have tried. Without fail, all of my pictures feature the blur of a moving child, or at least one disgruntled look. (See pic above).

My walls are not white. White walls are all the rage in blogger-dom In fact, white everything is all the rage. Sometimes I feel like I have been thrust into the Arctic with all the white. It is pretty hard to screw up a picture taken against a white background. I, on the other-hand, am fighting against patterns and colors. I don't own enough white things, apparently, to use as a clean backdrop. Even if I wanted white walls, my kids would eventually fill them up with chocolate handprints. It just wasn't meant to be.

My kids don't have a monochrome wardrobe.  Although I dig the black, white and grey look, and my kids do have a fair share of trendy pieces, I have succumbed to the fact that they are children and not tiny adults. Because they are children, they have a natural attraction to outrageously gaudy clothing, and color combinations that would even make a clown cringe. I would like to grace you with pictures of my kids in a constant stylish state but, chances are, you're going to see them more often than not, in t-shirts featuring cartoon characters. (See above pic... again).

I have no time to be artsy. There will be no pictures of my feet with a Starbucks coffee cup strategically cropped in the corner of the shot. There will be no carefully strewn objects placed with the transparent attempt to make said objects appear random. There will be no children in directed poses disguised as authentic.  There just won't be, and do you know why? Because I don't have the time, or brain cells to think of those things. Pre-kids I could stage a "natural" scene with the best of them, but three kids, two dogs and one cat later, I'm fighting against the odds of everything getting knocked over, broken or covered in fur before I'm able to click the shutter release. Lame, but true, in the words of the great Sweet Brown, "Ain't nobody got time for that!"

So there you have it, just a few of the reasons why you won't find pretty pictures on this blog. Although you will not find the prettiest of pictures here, I can guarantee that they will all be honest... even if honesty does come in the form of nose picking.


  1. Your kids are pretty enough... no artsy pics needed! :)

  2. This is too funny! lol. I can totally relate to the "not having fancy pictures" thing. Kids are hard to photograph! My niece, as beautiful as she is, always wants to make a goofy face when I take her pic. Your kids are adorable, and obviously very happy. Forget the white walls and fashionista inspired outfits. They shine all on their own! :)

    1. Ha! Yes, kids like the make weird faces at the camera for sure! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Great post, and your kids are so cute!

  4. Awww, ha ha, I love the last sentence. That's too cute... What's important is that you are doing what you love! Thanks for sharing...

  5. I struggle with this life is not staged "just so" either! I also will never be able to paint my walls white! It is just too sterile!

    1. Too many accidents waiting to happen in our house! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. This is real life! I love how you keep it real!

  7. Ha! Love this! My pictures are never pretty either. I have three boys. I can't even get one of them to look at the camera.

  8. Ha ha, yes, sometimes it's nice to look at pretty pictures, but it can also be refreshing to see bloggers keeping it real!
