Friday, June 26, 2015

Freebie Friday: Fourth of July Word Search

The out-of-school sillies are already running rampant, and quiet time activities to help calm down the kiddos have been much needed. Word searches have been a great down time activity for my oldest, and, as an added bonus will keep him on top of his reading and spelling game for the next school year. With the Fourth of July right around the corner, I thought it would be fun to make my very own themed word search. This is the perfect thing to keep restless hands occupied when I'm busy with barbecue preparations.

I had so much fun making this word search, that I'm sharing it with you. Download and print and you'll get at least a few minutes of freedom from shouts of  "I'm bored!"



  1. Super fun! I was looking for theses!!!!

  2. What a cute and fun word search! This will be a great 4th of July activity for children.

  3. I'll be printing this out for my grandkids visit!
    Cynthia @

  4. How cute! Thanks for the free printable!

  5. I am all too familiar with the out-of-school sillies~ Thanks for the word search. Great idea!

  6. My son is currently running around barking like a dog. Couldn't have found this at a better moment! Thanks!

    1. Hahaha! This made me laugh... my daughter does that all the time. Enjoy! Or should I say "Woof!"
